
I began my career in technology by joining FRC Team 930 in high school as a programmer. After graduating high school I did a short stint (three semesters) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I then dropped out to work on a startup called StageBloc. The main goal of StageBloc was to simplify the digital landscape for affinity brands by allowing them to manage their presence in one spot. Our offering mostly consisted of the ability to run fan clubs, email marketing, and stores. This in turn meant all of their data (fans, orders, etc) was in one spot where they could more easily manage it. We had a lot of luck in the music industry and were able to work with customers like Eric Church, Metallica, and Kenny Chesney. In late 2015 that company was acquired by Fullscreen Media.
Over that time I have learned a lot about technology and development teams. The goal of this blog is to share things I've come across in my career so far. This mostly revolves around interesting technology I've worked with. However, it also stretches in to experiences and learnings I've had managing teams of developers.
I love meeting and chatting with developers. If you ever have a question or comment on one of my posts or want to say hello, just send a tweet to @joshholat!